Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello World! It's me, Kas

I'm probably just talking to myself because lord knows I have no followers... ha! Well this was my blog in highschool. It was forced upon me, but by some way or another I have come full circle. I'm now blogging-gasp! voluntarily!

Right now I'm having a life hating moment sitting on my bed alone in my apartment with a very annoying cat pawing at my door. And yet, even in the midst of what I like to call my seasonal depression phase of the year, I'm oddly content. True, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life, but for the first time in a long time, I'm ok with that.

I'm a nineteen year old university student. I love the smell of evergreen pine needles. I have the stomach of a varsity football player. I quote stupid movies constantly. My biggest pet peeve: TIGHTS DO NOT EQUAL PANTS! Gah. I may not have life mapped out but I can play sweet home alabama on the guitar and I belt out Rascal Flatts in my shitty Nissan Sentra. What I have learned is that everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for. And no, I did not learn that here at university. Who actually learns at university right? Nope that piece of insight is straight from the smooth vocal cords of one Bobby Marley.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Writing Fever

Writing a 7000 word piece was a lot easier than I anticipated. I love fiction writing, but I secretly dreaded writing my novel excerpt. I thought it would be really hard! In reality if you work on it a little bit every other night the words start stacking up. And I wanted the novel to be different from other novels out there, something a little twisted. I wanted to syc the reader out into thinking it's a romance and then send them flying! (I haven't got to the big twist yet, so I apoligize if you read it and think it's a classic romance novel... that was definetly not my intention!) Check out my novel exerpt The Cut Cord! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Art of Movies

Movies are a big part of my life. In reality, movies are a big part of everybody's life. It is a billion dollar industry. Actors are plastered all over magazines, billboards and the television. But when you watch a movie, you don't think about all the work it takes before the it makes it on screen.

That's where the screenplays come in. In my writer's craft class we experienced first hand the art of creating a screenplay. It's basically a novel only formatted a very specific way. Writing my small chunk of a screenplay was beyond challenging! It was frustrating because you can picture it in your head, but it's so much harder to make it come alive on the page.

I did my screenplay on one of my favourite movie genres. It's a war film. War movies like Saving Private Ryan and the Band of Brothers are some of my favourites. Now don't get the wrong idea about me: I don't like war. I don't think war is glorious or glamourous. I find war horrible to say the least. But a wanted to make a movie that was realistic and exposed the horrors of the war. My screenplay Someone Else's War is based on a true story during the Vietman war. Please excuse the messed up formatting, and I apoligize ahead of time if you read it, because there is some strong language (like I said, I wanted everything to be as raw and realistic as possible!).

Monday, November 23, 2009

Some Predictable Laughs

The audience is thrown from an uptight high scale New York office building to a questionable bar in Sitka Alaska. And what makes the movie The Proposal so funny is we get to witness Sandra Bullock at the top of her game being abruptly pitched to the bottom. And the rest of the movie is her just clawing on.

The Proposal is about a very in control book editor Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) suddenly hit with the fact that deportation back to Canada is a very real reality in the near future. And what does she do? Throw anyone else's feelings out the window and force her assistant Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) to marry her. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...only in the movies.

Even though the plot line is a little out there, it makes for a pretty hilarious roller coaster ride. And at the end of the day, I really just want to laugh my head off and not worry about how completely unrealistic it is. It compares to Fool's Gold and 50 First Dates, but is much better.

Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are absolutely brilliant in this movie. The way they play off each other always made me laugh. And in truth, I didn't think the story was that extraordinary, but the actors make it pop. However, there is one other key element that made it pop.

And that is Betty White.

Betty White plays Andrew's cute, slightly twisted ninety year old grandmother, and adds a whole different kind of unpredictable laughter.

Sure, the scene where Sandra and Ryan collide stark naked is hard not to laugh at. The scene where Sandra has the bald eagle snatch her cell phone right out of her hands is priceless. And the male stripper is, urr, well, interesting. But Betty White's scene where she is tribal chanting in the forest is gut splitting! Totally unexpected and hilarious!

I recommend The Proposal to anyone who loves a good laugh. Look past the predictable romantic comedy plot line, and soak up the pure humour. And do as I did, and erase the "Happily Ever After" ending from your thoughts.

And if all else fails, the scenery is breath taking. It will make you want to take a trip to Alaska- guaranteed!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We are in the middle of our poetry unit! Although I know rhyme is not neccesary in poetry, it is one aspect of poems that I love! It is hard for me to sit down and write what ever comes out (I always have to rhyme), but I'm getting better at free verse. The Dark Maze is one of the first poems I've written so far. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fiction and me

Fiction writing is one thing that I love. It's so much fun to be someone else and experience something else through your characters. If you just start writing, eventually something good will appear on the page! If you would like, you can check out my short story!It takes place in Santorini, Greece and here's a picture from my trip to Greece, from which I based the story.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Connected to the world...or not...

I find this blog some what ironic. In truth I'm a pretty old fashioned, technologically challenged person. So how I stay connected to the world is through the newspaper and the six oclock news...and that's pretty much it. And I honestly prefer it that way. I love sitting with a mug of hot chocolate and a newspaper in the morning. Facebook, texting, twitter...I have none of it. And I don't want it. I kind of rebel against the new technology, which I realize is stupid, but I guess I'm just stubborn. I find people rely far to much on the new wave of communication. If you want to talk to someone, how about face to face? And these days grade sevens all have cell phones, which I think is ridiclous! I just got an email account two months ago! And I still can't find my Inbox.... I miss the way it used to be, without cell phones and facebook. I admit I'm a bit on the other extreme. I think people should be balanced... in the middle. We should try to embrace the new high tech world but also not get caught up in it, texting 24 hours a day and stalking celebrities on Twitter. If newspapers switch to online, it would make me really sad, I love the feeling of flipping the newspaper and taking in the newsprint smell. But I admit email is nice to have to talk to a friend in Calgary. I realize that I'm kind of contradicting myself as I bash technology on my new blog, but think of it as me slowly accepting the new tech savvy world...